AGM and Open Positions

Holiday Inn Express & Suites Riverport Richmond, BC  
May 16, 2024 - 7pm


  1. Call to Order 
  2. Land Acknowledgement
  3. Attendance
  4. Rules of Order
    1. Establish Quorum
    2. Review Voting Rights - per RRA Constitution and Society Act of BC
  5. Approval of proposed 2024 AGM Agenda
  6. Approval of 2022-2023 AGM Minutes
  7. Review the current open RRA Board positions and those willing to stay for another year 


1st call for Nominations for RRA Board positions and Election 


  1. RRA Directors Reports:
    1. President - Tannis Tapley
    2. Co-Secretaries - Alisa Magnan and Lindsay Frank
    3. Treasurer - Allison Mah


2nd call for Nominations for RRA Board positions and Election


  1. Director of Officials - James Snowdon
  2. Equipment Manager - Jackie Gloria 
  3. Registrar and WCC - Tannis Tapley
  4. Ice Allocator - Troy Takasaki
  5. Webmaster - Elizabeth Snowdon
  6. RACA - Joel Jaffe
  7. Promotions - Colin Naylor
  8. Sponsorship - Brenda Lo
  9. Player Development- Mandy Jones
  10. Director of Coaching - vacant


3rd and Final Call for Nominations for RRA Board positions and Election 


  1. Closing Nominations
  2. Directors Elected by Acclamation
  3. Election of Directors
    1. Review of voting and speaking process
    2. Election of Scrutineers
  4. Directors Elected by Vote
  5. Thank you, past Board Members
  6. Other Business
    1. New U14 to U19 Framework - Questions
  7. Adjournment 

Board Job Descriptions

2023 Draft AGM Minutes


Thank you Sponsors!

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Apr. 08, 2025 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

RRA Annual Year End Banquet
Riverside Banquet Hall

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May. 05, 2025 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM

RRA Annual General Meeting
Holiday Inn Riverport

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